Newsletter Archive

IMPACT Insights

Our team sends out a monthly newsletter with helpful tips for GW Health Sciences faculty and staff.
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January - Accessibility Workshops, WebEx to Sunset in 2027, and Notes for Next Time


December - 12 Days of Gifts from IMPACT

Day 11 - Rectangle for Mac

Day 10 - Using Blackboard Ally for Accessibility and Beyond

Day 9 - GW Email Signatures on the Go

Day 8 - Framework for AI in Assessments

Day 7 - Google Docs Rolls Out “Document Tabs” Organization

Day 6 - Organize Your Bookmarks with Folders

Day 5 - Respondus Flags Decoded

Day 4 - Cheat Sheet for Test/Quiz Analytics

Day 3 - Request Faculty Directory and Website Updates

Day 2 - Free Professional Headshots

Day 1 - Perplexity AI

November - Meet Josh McLean – Multimedia Producer, Making an IMPACT on Healthcare for Transgender and Gender Diverse People, IMPACT Goes to OLC

October - Avoiding Grading Order Bias, Joining the Pedagogy for Equity and Inclusion Faculty Learning Community, and Becoming a Student Well-Being Champion

September - Free Digital Marketing Conference, Meet Our New Student Worker, Blackboard/Banner Integration, and Updated VoiceThread Guides

August - Get Help with Fall Courses, Grading for Growth, and 10 Ways to Give a Better Lecture

July - Register for the Quality Matters Workshop, Google Calendar Hacks, and Say Bye Bye to Flip

June - AI-Proof Your Writing Prompts, Update Poll Everywhere for PPT, and Join Us for the Applying the Quality Matters Rubric Workshop!

May - VoiceThread Updates, Changes to Durable Links, Quality Matters Workshop

April -End of Semester Tips, VoiceThread Updates, and How to Make a QR Code

March - AI Detection Tools, Peer Review Tips, and Grading for Growth

February - Panopto on the Go, ICYMI: AI in Health and Medical Research, Continuing the Topic of GAI

January - Student Resources for Better Writing, Grade Center Help, Productivity Tips, and Make a Video with Us!


December - 12 Days of Gifts from IMPACT

Day 12 - Keeping up with the Kids

Day 11 - Google Shared Drive vs Shared Folder

Day 10 - Students Can Make Infographics with Adobe Express

Day 9 - Streaming Documentaries From Himmelfarb

Day 8 - Collaborative Annotation Tool for Reading Assignments

Day 7 - Easy Screen Recording Tools

Day 6 - New Research on Hybrid Learning for Health Science Students

Day 5 - Look Better Online

Day 4 - Ten Ways to Give a Better Lecture

Day 3 - Microsoft Forms

Day 2 - Refresh Your Multiple Choice Question Writing Skills

Day 1 - Survey Students Using Zoom’s Annotate Feature

November - Infusing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into Course Design, Calculating Calculations in the Grade Center, Collaborate vs. Zoom

October - IMPACT Insights: Panopto Overview, Make Data Visualizations Accessible, and AI Perspectives

September - Academic Integrity Lunch & Learn, Upcoming Updates to Poll Everywhere: Date TBD, Fair Use Checklist

August - Quality Matters Workshop, Lunch & Learn: Academic Integrity in 2023, Using AI in College Administration, IMPACT Team Members - On the Move

July - New Release: QM Rubric, 7th Edition, Take the Quality Matters Workshop This Fall, Adobe Licensing Change

June - Thanks and Best Wishes to Gabby! Horizon Report, Creative Ways to Use PollEverywhere, How Students Can Benefit From AI Chatbots

May -  New GW VPN, Generative AI Tools: A GW Resource, Antiracism in Healthcare: Himmelfarb Resources, Deletion Date for Cloud Recordings Coming

April - Inclusive Language, Blackboard's New Look, and Live Captioning

March - Enhance Audio, A Second Look at Flipped Earning, Promote Your Course with Video

February - New Student Worker, Reminder: Storage Limits for GW SMHS’s Web Conferencing Tools, Constrained Choice Activities: A Simple Way to Improve Critical Thinking, Instagram Automatic Captions

January - ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence, Are Students Using AI to Write Essays (And Getting Away with It)?, Recommended Resources, AI Writing Video Essay


December - 12 Days of Gifts from IMPACT

Day 12 - 360° Photo and Video

Day 11 - New Tool for Checking Color Contrast Accessibility

Day 10 - Branching Scenarios

Day 9 -  Add Text Columns to Grade Center

Day 8 - Unseen Anatomy: A Photographic Tour

Day 7 - Active Learning Library

Day 6 - Using Google Slides for Group Work in Synchronous Sessions

Day 5 - Adobe Express

Day 4 - Meta Analysis of the Effectiveness of Active Learning

Day 3 - Pre-Meeting Warm-up Ideas

Day 2 - Exemplary Rubric Database

Day 1 - GW Holiday Zoom Backgrounds

November - Get Real… Authentic!, Audio Descriptions for Students with Visual Disabilities, Review Your Course for Accessibility, 360° Photo from the CRL Retreat 

October - ICYMI: Changes to the Academic Integrity Code & Process, Showcase: Critical Thinking Modules, Building Equity into Virtual Reality Ed Tech

September - Take the Quality Matters Flagship Workshop, Upcoming Event: Academic Integrity, Check Your Blackboard Grading Schema, A New Assistant Dean of Academic Planning and Curriculum Management

August - Upcoming Event: 360° Videos and Photos Part 1: What's Possible, ICYMI: Overview of Accessibility Accommodations and Assistive Technology, Enable Automated Captions in Zoom, Make Your Assessments Accessible (Without Giving Away the Answers) 

July - Upcoming Event: GW Disability Support Services, Recent Event ICYMI: Deep Dive into Panopto, Grade Center- Make it Easy, VoiceThread - New Assignment Features

June - Introducing New Communications Assistant, VoiceThread Has Moved, A 360 Peek at the the Improved IMPACT Studio

May - Inclusive Photos - for FREE, Google Appointment Schedule, The Best Uses of Audio

April - Make a GIF, How to: High Resolution Figures for Publication from PowerPoint, ICYMI: “What Decolonizing our Classrooms Looks Like”

March - Watching Videos at Double Speed, Take the Flagship Quality Matters Workshop, Podcast on Better Discussion Boards

February - Celebrating EdTech Leader Courtney Williams, Do Your Multiple Choice Questions Reliably Assess Learning?, How to Handle Discriminatory Comments in Your Class

January -  Did My Blackboard Announcement Go Out by Email?, Upload Zoom Recordings to Panopto, Online Brainstorming


December - 12 Days of Gifts from IMPACT

Day 12 - Creating Community Online

Day 11 - IMPACT Studios Rebooted

Day 10 - VR for Health Sciences Education

Day 9 - Life in 360°

Day 8 - Audio and Video Gear Recommendations

Day 7 - Create Captions and Transcripts for Multimedia

Day 6 - Poll Everywhere as a Back Channel

Day 5 - How to See Group Assignments in Student Preview Mode

Day 4 - Google Easter Eggs

Day 3 - LibKey Nomad

Day 2 - Put Some Color in Your Life!

Day 1 - Appointment Slots with Google Calendars

November - Adobe MAX Recap, Green Light, Red Light, Copyright, Ensure Other Lecturers Can Access Your Blackboard Zoom Sessions

October - ICYMI: YouTube Alternatives, Promoting Student Engagement in Online Classes

September - Got Lecture Videos? Use Panopto!, The Spacing Effect

August - Reminder: Check your links!, Older unlisted YouTube videos have changed to private, Recording in Zoom? Turn on auto-transcripts

July - Last Call for Quality Matters Workshop, Audacity Privacy Concerns, Glorified Worksheets or Useful Tool? Guided Notes in Higher Ed Courses

June - Professional Development Opportunity - Quality Matters, New VoiceThread Assignment Builder Goes Live June 30th, Ideas for Active Learning

May - Blackboard Collaborate Ultra - Now With Gallery-Tile-Brady Bunch View, Sharing Zoom Recordings, Are You Using the Correct Zoom Account?, VoiceThread - Check Your Browser, YouTube Accounts

April - Tired of Talking to Blank Squares?, Quality Matters Summer Session, When Youtube says:
“An error occurred, please try again later”

March - IMPACT Team +1, Panopto for Assignment Submissions, Syllabus Tone Matters

February - Blackboard Zoom Integration, New Voicethread Assignment Builder, Get Students Involved in Course Design

January - Improving Breakout Room Discussions in Online Teaching by Using Collaborative Documents, Instructional Core Workshops